History Cooperative


The American Historical Association: Washington, DC, US / The Organization of American Historians: Bloomington, Indiana, US / The University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL , US / The National Academy Press: Washington, DC, US

"The History Cooperative is a pioneering nonprofit humanities resource offering top-level online history scholarship. Besides full text, the site also contains collateral content, including multimedia elements that could not be reproduced in the print versions of some articles. [...]For the first time, the full text of current issues of the American Historical Review and the Journal of American History will be available electronically to members of the AHA and OAH and to institutions that subscribe to the print versions of the journals. [...] Nonsubscribers can purchase a research pass that will allow full access to the journals at the History Cooperative site." Neben der Suche in verschiedenen REssourcen wird auch eine Linkliste angeboten.
Veröffentlicht durch



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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